For the last few months, we have been dealing with a mouse problem in the shop. I’m not big on using poisons and I have issues with the other traps. The solution we decided to try was the Rinnetraps Flip n Slide mousetrap and I’m writing this to let you know how it is working out.
Humane 5 Gallon Bucket Mousetrap
My big thing with this mousetrap is that I really didn’t wan’t something that kills the mice. Honestly I don’t have anything against them, they just need to not be in the shop. Using any of the traditional solutions I just couldn’t get with for a variety of reasons. Here are a few:
- Poison/Bait – Dangerous to pets, they put toxins into the environment, and they are a pretty horrible way to die.
- Standard Mouse Traps – Effective, but then you have to deal with removing the dead mouse and they don’t always kill them outright.
- Glue Traps – About an inhumane as I can imagine, leaving them to suffer and struggle until they die of suffocation or dehydration. Hard pass.
This bucket trap safely captures, they claim, up to 30 mice at a time, and then you can decide what to do with them. Personally, I just take mine to the far corner of the property and let them be on their merry way.
If you were wanting to do them in, some people put some water in the bottom and let them drown.

This Flip N Slide 5 Gallon Bucket Trap Was Perfect
I had considered building my own trapdoor style mouse trap, but we found the Rinnetraps Flip n Slide traps and for only $18 each, it wasn’t worth my time to build them myself.
Looking at the build, I really like that the whole hood is one molded piece, with a removable trap door. It looks like some of the other variations on the market you have to assemble yourself, which I can’t think makes them very sturdy.
Setup is super easy. Just place some bait at the back of the hood and when mice come in to investigate, they trip the trap and fall into the bucket. I used peanut butter, but one person I’ve seen a video from suggested splitting Oreos and hot-gluing them to the roof of the trap. I may have to try that.
Review of The Rinnetraps Flip n Slide Mousetrap
After having this mousetrap in place for a while, I have to say that I’m VERY satisfied with mousetrap.
The setup was super easy, and there really isn’t anything to do other than to check it and empty it when something gets into it. Overall it was exactly what I was looking for.
If you have a mouse issue and don’t like the standard traps/baits like me, then the Rinnetraps Flip n Slide Moustrap is the perfect solution.